Life Springs Colloidal Minerals. Why they are my preference.
Ashley Jankowski.
I have always believed that because of the Mineral deficiency in the soils in this country, that all horses (animals and humans) should receive a daily mineral supplement.
After having tried many different ones over the years l settled on “Life Springs Colloidal Minerals” because, firstly, they are from a vegetable source, thereby making them ORGANIC.
Why organic in preference to Ore based??? Simply because it is a well known fact that Ore-based minerals are not easily digested by the body (human or animal) and, after much research into these products, the one thing that stuck in my mind were the words of Linus Pauling (chemist) and two-time Nobel Prize Laureate, “You can trace every disease and every ailment to a mineral deficiency.” Could it all be that simple? With my former nursing background I believe it to be so. So, with this in mind, l decided to Mineralise my 22 year old thoroughbred mare “Cassie” and try once more for that one last filly foal (hopefully) that l had never got. I placed her on the minerals 2 months before putting her in foal. Imagine my surprise when she went straight in foal with the one natural service to “ Hamlet”. She had been a chestnut mare all her 22 yrs of life . I gave her ‘Life Springs Colloidal Mineral’s every day and after 2 months she started to darken – she went so dark she was almost black. She looked amazing and was covered in dapples. Her body muscled up and she looked like a mare in work, not an aged broodmare. I began to think she had lost the foal , so l got the vet back out to re preg test her, and on seeing her he was adamant she was not the same mare he had earlier tested, stating “she had been an aged chestnut mare and this looked like a black 8 year old mare”. It took some convincing to get him to believe me, but of course she was branded. So he tested her and Yes, she was definitely in foal and yes, l got my filly. Needless to say l give all my horses a daily dose of Life Springs colloidal minerals and, yes, they all look amazing and well-muscled, even those not in work. Those in work receive their daily dose of LSCM’s, Technyflex for joint protection and prevention, and half a cup daily of Diatomaceous Earth (with Silica for natural worming and hooves). It is a common occurence for people to compliment us on how good our horses look when we go out to compete.