Big head, scientifically known as nutritional secondary hyperparathyroidism, is a distressing condition affecting horses. It results from imbalances in dietary calcium and phosphorus ratios, causing the body to leach calcium from the bones. However, a solution has emerged in the form of Marine Calcium. This natural supplement has shown promising results in combating big head and promoting optimal skeletal health in horses.

Understanding Big Head:

Big head is a condition primarily seen in regions where horses graze on pastures with imbalanced calcium and phosphorus levels. As horses consume plants deficient in calcium but high in phosphorus, their bodies experience a disruption in the delicate calcium-phosphorus balance. This triggers a response where the body mobilizes calcium from the bones, leading to bone demineralization, softening, and deformities.

Harnessing the Power of Marine Calcium:

Marine Calcium, derived from the mineral-rich depths of the ocean, has garnered attention as a valuable supplement to support equine bone health and combat big head. This unique formulation offers a rich source of bioavailable calcium, essential minerals, and trace elements required for proper bone formation and function.

Restoring Calcium Balance:

One of the key advantages of Marine Calcium is its ability to restore the calcium-phosphorus balance in horses. By providing a bioavailable source of calcium, this supplement helps meet the horse’s calcium requirements and counteracts the excessive leaching of calcium from the bones. By restoring the calcium balance, Marine Calcium aids in preventing bone demineralization and the subsequent skeletal deformities associated with big head.

Promoting Bone Health:

Marine Calcium plays a vital role in maintaining optimal skeletal health in horses. The bioavailable form of calcium it offers ensures efficient absorption and utilization by the horse’s body. This supplementation supports proper bone growth, development, and maintenance, providing the foundation for strong and healthy bones. By fortifying the skeletal structure, Marine Calcium contributes to preventing and managing big head in horses.

Supporting Tissue Repair and Healing:

In addition to addressing the underlying calcium imbalance, Marine Calcium aids in tissue repair and healing. Horses suffering from big head may experience bone deformities and related soft tissue damage. The mineral and trace element profile of Marine Calcium promotes tissue regeneration, supports bone healing, and aids in the recovery process. By facilitating the repair of affected tissues, this supplement assists in restoring normal bone function and alleviating the symptoms of big head.

Consultation and Expert Guidance:

It is crucial to seek professional advice from a veterinarian or equine nutritionist when addressing big head in horses. They can evaluate the specific dietary needs of your horse and provide appropriate guidance on incorporating Marine Calcium supplementation into their diet. A balanced diet, proper calcium-to-phosphorus ratio, and regular monitoring are essential components of managing and preventing big head.

Marine Calcium stands as a valuable tool in combatting big head and promoting optimal skeletal health in horses. By restoring the calcium balance, supporting bone health, and aiding tissue repair, this supplement has the potential to make a significant impact on the well-being and performance of affected horses. We recommend Marine Calcium to help your horses overcome the challenges of big head, paving the way for healthier, stronger, and happier lives.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not replace professional veterinary advice. Always consult with a qualified veterinarian or equine nutritionist for proper diagnosis, treatment, and guidance tailored to your horse’s specific needs.