Diatomaceous earth is a natural product that is made up of the fossilized remains of tiny aquatic organisms called diatoms. When fed to horses, it can have several potential benefits as a natural dewormer, including:

Diatomaceous Earth is Safe for the horse

Unlike traditional chemical dewormers, diatomaceous earth is a natural product that is safe for horses to consume. It does not contain any harmful chemicals or toxins that can harm the horse’s digestive system or overall health.

Effective against parasites

Diatomaceous earth can help to control internal parasites in horses, including roundworms, tapeworms, and pinworms. The sharp edges of the diatomaceous earth particles can damage the parasites’ outer layer, making it difficult for them to survive.


Diatomaceous earth is an affordable alternative to traditional chemical dewormers. It can be purchased in bulk and is often less expensive than other deworming products.

Easy to administer

Diatomaceous earth can be easily mixed into the horse’s feed or water, making it easy to administer. It does not require any special equipment or training to use.

May have additional health benefits

Some horse owners have reported that diatomaceous earth has additional health benefits for their horses, including improved coat condition, increased energy levels, and better overall health.

It is important to note that while diatomaceous earth can be an effective deworming option for horses, it should not be used as a replacement for regular fecal egg counts and veterinary care. It is always recommended to consult with a veterinarian before starting any new deworming regimen.


You should always worm your horse on the full moon as that is when the red worms come out into the horses gut to mate. For best results, you should do a 5 days diatomaceous worming 2 days before the day of the full moon, and 2 days after the full moon.

Purchase Equine Quality Diatomaceous Earth HERE